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damrei angkor from
... Damrei krap ( Prasat ) , 206 . Denh cho , 204-5 . Guide d'Angkor . Ecole des arts cambodgiens , 41 . Einkosei ( Vat ) , 193 . Кер , 43 . Khleang , I3I . Khvien , 192 . Kompong Cham , 44 . Kompong Chhnang , 46 . Kompong Kdei , 46 ...
damrei angkor from
... Angkor ) is to be noted by reason of its being wholely constructed of ... Damrei ( Elephant's pond ) is to be seen a formidable group of giant stone ... Damrei consists of an elephant , a tiger and two lions . The sanctuary of ...
damrei angkor from
... Damrei . — Preah Damrei Brah Tamri « l'éléphant sacré » , le plus éloigné , se trouve à près de quinze cents mètres en avant du monu- ment principal de Prakhan . Sa petite enceinte , précédée d'une terrasse qui s'étale devant la porte d ...
damrei angkor from
... Angkor . 1. Stone from the tower summit , Prasat Damrei Krap . 2. Idem , Prasat Kok . 3-4 . Deposit stones dating from the Bayon era : 3. Left : Stone from the tower summit , Banteay Kdei ; Right : Foundation deposit stone from Banteay ...
damrei angkor from
... Angkor . At any rate , he has , with Mr. Parmentier , studied the Prasat ... Damrei Krap , a neighbouring temple of the same epoch , the beautiful figure ... Damrei Krap is not unworthy of a place in a gallery of antiques . In ...
damrei angkor from
... Angkor . At any rate , he has , with Mr. Parmentier , studied the Prasat ... Damrei Krap , a neighbouring temple of the same epoch , the beautiful figure ... Damrei Krap is not unworthy of a place in a gallery of antiques . In ...
damrei angkor from
... Angkor qui mar- quent une époque et autour desquels se groupent les moins importants . Quelques - uns comme Roluos ... Damrei Krap , au pied des Monts Koulen . Il n'existe pas dans le groupe d'Angkor de représentants de cet art qui ...
damrei angkor from
... Damrei de Koh Ké et à Angkor Thom , on peut dire qu'il devient fastidieux à Angkor Vat . Il fallait que l'habitude fût bien ancrée d'incorporer cet animal aux façades pour que ni le sculpteur ni l'architecte ne se soient rendus compte ...
damrei angkor from
... Angkor ) River . The prawns of Ch'a - nan , adds the same author , weigh a Chinese pound ( 13 lb. ) and more.t 66 ... Damrei , " she - elephant , " and N. Tangei . The hill ranges on the west are those rising behind Babôr . After ...
damrei angkor from
... Angkor , in 802. A masterpiece of this period , the Vişnu of Prasat Rup Arak ( fig . 99 ) , may date from the final ... Damrei Krap at Phnom Kulen— connections evidently due , in part , to military conquests . 27 At the end of the ...