Hi all, I have created through the web interface the following call CURL
Hi, I developed a portlet that added articles porgtrammatically using liferay 6.0.6 and all worked perfectly. Now we are upgrading to Liferay 6.1 and the ...
Hi!!!! I'm trying to add article with api: com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.JournalArticleServiceUtil JournalArticle addArticle(long groupId,
We've been searching throw LifeRay API. To add new contents to the journal portlet we're suposed to use journalArticleServiceUtil.addArticle(...), but there are ...
I am a newbie to Liferay. I would like to add programmatically articles (or other content) to liferay using php or via other means (xml, http, rest, soap.
I'm using Liferay 7. To create the Article I use the method com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService.addArticle()
Hi, I am still trying to use the JournalArticleServiceHttp class to add JournalArticles to Liferay´s CMS. For my local installation of Liferay this works fine.
Hello, and thank you for the great informative post!! I am having trouble executing via JSONWS at http://localhost:8080/api/jsonws. Specifically the add-article ...
Hello, I created a hook for the Journal Article Service and I use DLAppServiceUtil.copyFolder(,,,) inside addArticle method .But when I add A custom field ...
The past couple of years I've seen many examples of using Liferay's built-in JSON services in various ways. The architecture and syntax...