Berkun takes a careful look at innovation history, including the software andInternet Age, to reveal how ideas truly become successful innovations--truthsthat people can apply to today's challenges.
This book explains to technical and non-technical readers alike what it takes to get through a large software or web development project. It does not cite specific methods, but focuses on philosophy and strategy.
I wish I had the balls to do this." —GUY KAWASAKI, author, APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur, and former chief evangelist, Apple "If you want to think differently about entrepreneurship, management, or life in general, read this book." ...
Highlights include: Berkun's hard-won and simple philosophy, culled from years of lectures, teaching courses, and hours of appearances on NPR, MSNBC, and CNBC Practical advice, including how to work a tough room, the science of not boring ...
'The Art of Project Management' covers it all--from practical methods for making sure work gets done right and on time, to the mindset that can make you a great leader motivating your team to do their best.
Bourrée d’anecdotes, écrite avec franchise, humour, et professionnalisme, la série Coach en scène est faites de textes inspirants, d'une honnêteté dévastatrice. Un véritable plaisir à lire. Scott Berkun ne mâche pas ses mots.
În acest volum plin de haz și extrem de practic, scriitorul și vorbitorul profesionist Scott Berkun ne dezvăluie tehnicile folosite de marii oratori și ne arată cum oricine le poate utiliza pentru a comunica mai bine.