Georgea M. Sparks-Langer is a professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Eastern Michigan University and coordinator of a grant to improve teacher quality through a student teaching performance assessment that documents K-12 student... Google Books
Born: 1948 (age 76 years)
Georgea M. Langer is a professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Eastern Michigan University (since 1985) and coordinator of a grant to improve ...
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Collaborative Analysis of Student Work: Improving Teaching and Learning [Langer, Georgea M., Colton, Amy B., Goff, Loretta S.] on
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Collaborative Analysis of Student Work: Improving Teaching and Learning by Georgea M. Langer (2003-08-01) · Book overview.
Feb 1, 2005 · Georgea M. Langer is Professor of Teacher Education at Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, and. Codirector of Colton, Langer ...
Georgea M. Langer is Professor of. Teacher Education at Eastern Michigan. University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, and Codi- rector of Coiton, Langer, and Associates,.
Reflective Pedagogical Thinking: How Can We Promote It and Measure It? Georgea M. Sparks-Langer, Joanne M. Simmons, […], Marvin Pasch, Amy Colton, and Alane ...
Author, Georgea M. Langer ; Contributor, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development ; Publisher, Hawker Brownlow Education, 2004 ; ISBN, 1741013232, ...
Georgea M. Langer ... Offers an approach to staff development that challenges teachers to examine their beliefs about what students can do and helps them identify ...
Collaborative Analysis of Student Work: Improving Teaching and Learning. By Georgea M. Langer, Amy B. Colton, Loretta S. Goff ...